"One Voice" a song by Barry Manilow - He is my favorite singer. I remember when I was in high school, I always spent my siesta playing his songs with my guitar. It feels so romantic for me dreaming that my Romeo will come someday and sing me love songs of Barry. Ultimately, I married to my husband who can't find a single tune so, my daydreaming has ended abruptly.LOL. Back to the song , I find this as a song for awareness. Our world is heading towards innovation , that is good...technology wise, people becoming so expert. But, despite of our modern world, hunger is still seen everywhere. This picture depicts poverty amidst the beauty of the blue sea. Kids not in school, even if they wanted too, economic crisis hinder it. They don't swim for fun as tourist did. They swim to entertain passengers in the ship and by doing so, earn a penny. I saw some passengers throwing coins down and the kids swam under the water and sure enough, they catch the coin expertly. For what? For food. Why are they doing it? Where are their parents? Is it safe? Of course it is not safe. But, to grow in that kind of life, kids become used to it and not anymore vulnerable to some bruises of life. Their parents can't afford babysitter while they are working. So, typically, in their world the eldest took care of the youngest. Seeing them down there, all I could do is to reflect. I wanted to help in my own little way in that very moment. I don't throw pennies.... i throw wrapped cookies. Of course, it helped them. They ate and start begging for more. Was my action enough? Nope! They deserve to be heard. Poverty is a huge problem that each one of us must address seriously. Don't solve the macro. Start with your family and relatives. If each one of us, strive to do good deed each day, One Voice is enough to make it known. Happy listening ( browse it on the net) and reflect.
Just One Voice,
Singing in the darkness,
All it takes is One Voice,
Singing so they hear what's on your mind,
And when you look around you'll find
There's more than
One Voice,
Singing in the darkness,
Joining with your One Voice,
Each and every note another octave,
Hands are joined and fears unlocked,
If only
One Voice
Would start it on its own,
We need just One Voice facing the unknown,
And then that One Voice would never be alone,
It takes that One Voice.
It takes that One Voice.
Just One Voice
Singing in the darkness,
All it takes is One Voice,
Shout it out and let it ring.
Just One Voice,
It takes that One Voice,
And everyone will sing!
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