I had the opportunity to attend 2 Halloween Parties in one night and as usual I took pictures on the guests who really wore amazing costumes for this event. Halloween is fun for kids and kids like us...LOL!

Isn't she so lovely? Where else you can wear it but in a party like this.

Not centered. Oh, blame it on my cheap digital camera. The man wore
a cowboy hat and the pretty girl wore a red cape acting as the queen of
vampire. I should take another "click" yet some photographers grabbed

Isn't he just an awesome Captain Hook ? Well, I did see Tinker Bell
in the party but she always hop away from me...(sigh) Peter Pan is not there too.

She wore a Big Mushroom hat, it is not heavy actually. In that party,
I find her so pretty and she carry it so gorgeously. Her dress is sexy.
The very head of the Flintstone Family. Fred Flintstone is so kind enough to pose.
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