As you keep on blogging, enjoying the news online, surfing the
Internet for new wave of music and laughing out loud to those crazy videos downloaded in the
Internet...but, take a look in your space? Is it similar to these?

If it did, why not take an hour to re- arranged your space before hitting the computer? It would really make a difference once you tried it. I had these problem too, few years ago. Not to this degree though. This is laziness and living like a pig.

Take an hour to clean certain area in the house and of course, start in your own bedroom ( the comfort room, the closet, the cabinet ...etc) and by doing so, an hour each day ... it surely made a difference. Isn't it nice to declare that you are a certified clutter free person?

Speaking of closet, one of my activity before new year is to sort the clothes that i don't use and give it to charity. Some really goes to my relatives who loves "hand-me-down" extravaganza moment.

Seriously though, it really helps a lot if you give away those things that you don't use for a decade. Why bother to keep? That can make your storage into a freak clutter place. Share your blessings to those who have nothing.

If you have a kitchen like this, please think twice! You know that it is not healthy. An hour to pick up those boxes, stack the hamper and shoot the plastic bags in the garbage can is super easy. Why ignoring these reality?

This might be an exaggeration but if you are almost into this situation, YOU ARE SO FIRED! ....
nahhh.... joking, there is a hope my friend.

I really don't know if this is a clutter space or abandoned house. It gives me a headache if I have this kind of place...
OMG! The thing is, you have the choice to keep it clean, just find time... told you, an hour/day is a big step in a year. Imagine 360 hours of cleaning? Just do it now.

If the stool is not worth keeping, learn to let go and throw in the garbage.

Boxes and bags and gifts given to you 5 years ago and still untouched? That is really bad habit.

This bedroom just needs arrangement..... the
furniture's, change the bedsheets and pick up the clutters and put into the right places. Easy....if you find time.

This room looks so small because of the clutters. While blogging, do the laundry, you won't sweat at all. Cleanliness really starts from with in you and the will to have a clutter free house is up for grabs.

This is a nice living room and the fire place was hidden and covered. What is the matter with that? It is a fact that it should always be the focal point in this room. Maybe they change this into an office? What do you think? Really a mess!

Finally, A NO! NO! Give the dish washer a chance to help you with these clutter. Very untidy, unhealthy and this can be a good sight for uninvited guests that are crawling from your bathroom up to here. Then, you rush to wash one glass for a gulped of milk...ewww....the cockroach used it first. Go now, clean a bit. Have fun blogging anyway.