Friday, January 30, 2009

Great Hunger of 1932-1933

The year 1932-1933 in Ukraine history displays a gruesome event that the whole world reacts in great concern. It is the year when Joseph Stalin, the most ruthless leader in Soviet Union, set in motion events designed to cause a famine and destroyed the people who are seeking independence from his tyranny. The result was very massive and devastating with an estimated 7,000,000 individual died in this place. Even though this area was known at that era as the breadbasket of Europe, the people were deprived of the food they had grown with their own bare hands. 

Millions starve to death. How cruel was that? Stalin imposed collectivization, a power that seized all the privately owned farmlands and livestock. This is the place where 80 percent of the people were traditional village farmers. They call this event in the history as Golomodor meaning "mass hunger" or "great hunger" then, later on transformed into holodomor to sound like a holocausts therefore can be considered as genocide. But, according to this event is not a genocide but only an ineffective economic policy of the Communist governments of the Republics of the Soviet Union. With this argument, please visit the website and learn more about The Holomodor Truth.

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