I brought 3 coats with me because it is really cold but since we are facing the sun, it warms a little bit, i just have this one. Finally, my camera had a glimpse of me hahaha.

Hehhee....the baby is cute right?

Some people were walking at the middle of the road looking for their relatives or looking for the right spot. My sis-in-law's family brought their own folding chair, food&drinks.

The front of where I was, not so crowded. You may ask why? Okay, if I have to choose( because I am Pinoy), I will choose a location that the sun would not see me. That area is a shady one and American's like the sun in fact, they wanted a tan skin. Pinoy otherwise, prefer the shady area, we even choose products that has whitening....LOL. That is the main reason why people are situated themselves facing the sun.

Anxiously waiting but other group of people at the back of where I was, they started barbecuing and story telling .... family gathering is really visible.

I love this crowd. Why? It reminds me of the Philippines. The crowd will gather almost at the middle of the road...LOL, just to be at the front line of the action. Guess, it is a human nature and it is not culture based, purely human. Anyway, these pictures tells a lot about the people living in this place. What did you noticed? I will sum it up for you. FAMILY. Yes, every time they have events to see or get involved with, their family is with them, plain and simple. Admirable quality right?
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