Friday, March 13, 2009

Boating And Alcohol Don't Mix

Would you agree with this saying that goes Boating and Alcohol Don't Mix? Yes, this is exactly the same as Drinking while Driving your car is Dangerous. Some people really just ignore the campaign of safety driving until they themselves become the victim. With so many reports of drunk driving accidents, still some of us keep ignoring the precautionary measures which our government agencies and private sectors created. Boating is fun. In fact, here in Mississippi, most of the family own a boat for family recreation and some have it for a living source of income. Boating accidents are always there but, too much fun of drinking while doing this activity is too risky for you and the people on board.

If you are in Arizona, operating a boat while impaired is just as dangerous and illegal, as drinking while driving a car. The legal limit for blood alcohol is .08 in both cases. So, operating a boat under the influence is a Class One misdemeanor. The Arizona Game and Fish Department and other agencies in Arizona conducts a Saturation Patrol and OUI checkpoints with one goal, to save lives. The busiest boating season starts on the month of March and ends up to September which accidents are more rampant during these months. When you go for boating, just enjoy the sun, bring some soda and food. Alcohol would only yield to some bad decisions specially when you are driving. Visit the link above and learn more of the safety measures while boating.

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