The other day, I was surfing the Internet looking for a Filipino Store so that I can send another box to my family. I found this in Pass Road, Biloxi, Mississippi. The box, a regular one costs a bit higher than in Orlando. She charged $10 for the box but deductible when I sent the package. It is $120 dollars, it's expensive because the Balikbayan Box"will go to Memphis, TN under VGM Forwarders. I just heard this company now.The box is already full because I keep buying just anything for my nephews and nieces, cousins, uncle, aunt and most specially to my mother and brother. Wheew! This is all I can do here, shop for them and this is my money not my hubby hehehe. Most of it from my paid earnings thru blogging.
In Orlando, it costs me only $89 for the biggest box and $15 for the smallest. Here, a single box is $120. As my blogger friends know , I am sending my box to Mindanao. Now, FYI, if you send a box to Manila it will costs only $100 and Visayas, $110. Of course, the box deposit is $10. How much is the Balikbayan Box in your area? Just curious. If you live in the vicinity of Biloxi, MS, visit this store and drop your Balikbayan Boxes here. They have some Filipino products to shop too. It is easy to locate.

Hi! my hubby is in Orlando now for a business trip. Is it ok to ask where in orlanod, FL can he go to send a balikbayan box to Manila? I was surfing abt balikbayan boxes and this lead me to your site! Salamat!
hello anonymous, yes there are two Filipino Stores in there
1.) M & M Philippine Mart
7339 E Colonial Dr Ste 3
Orlando, FL 32807
(407) 281-6999
This is the map:
* there is an ongoing road construction right now, better look the building carefully, just slow down once he is in that area
9251 South Orange Blossom Trail
Orlando, Florida 32837
(407) 855-3665
This is the map:
I hope these info helped you. Thanks for the visit and comment.
Amy, The store you have pictured for Biloxi MS. This store is located in East biloxi near the Casinos diba?
Andrew, it's been a long time that I haven't visited this place and I am not sure if this store is still there. Just try and add this address in your GPS : 17858 Pass Road, Biloxi MS. It's about 8 minutes from Beau Rivage Casino so; I guess you are right.
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