Monday, June 29, 2009

On Bernie Madoff

June 29,2009 is the day of reckoning for Bernie Madoff. He was sentenced to 150 years in prison for "the multi billion dollar" FRAUD scheme. He was 71 years old and he victimized 14,000 rich personalities, investors and institution such as HSBC, Kevin Bacon,Steven Spielberg, Barclays PLC, Larry King, Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado and more. There were two victims who committed suicide after losing all their assets. Madoff is doing the Fraud for so many years but, nobody believed the allegations. Do you think the 150 years is enough for all the agony he brought to the victims? Many of them are lawyers, doctors and retired professionals who invested their savings and trusted Madoff. Now, some of the victims returned to work to survive because they lost everything. If Madoff was truly sorry, he should return all the money to the investors. I know, it is impossible but, that is the only way that he will be forgiven by the victims.

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