Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Give Honor to the Fallen Hero

The funeral for Lance Cpl. Christopher Fowlkes, 20 years old was held last Friday in downtown Gaffney, South Carolina. Fowlkes was critically wounded in Afghanistan after an IED struck an armored vehicle that he and his company were riding in. The residents lined the streets in celebration of the young Marine’s life. The motorcycle riders led the way as the young man was led to his final resting place. The bells tolled and there was a moment of silence for him. September 18, 2009 was declared by the Cherokee County Council as Lance Cpl. Christopher S. Fowlkes Day in Cherokee County.

We should give this RESPECT and HONOR to anyone who died in combat right? BUT, guess what happened when Brenda Earls stick some flags along the path of the funeral procession? Of all the establishments there, BANK OF AMERICA pulled the flags in their premises. When Brenda Earls came back thinking she might had just missed it, the branch manager came out stopping her! Against Corporate Policy, she said.

It's really sickening! There were hundreds of clients closed their accounts in that branch after knowing what had occurred. It was ironic when the branch manager said that the FLAG might be OFFENSIVE to other customers. WE ARE IN THE US! How could OTHERS be offended upon seeing a US FLAG? When she pulled the flags on the ground, it was an act of dishonor and disrespect of the country.

When Larry di Rita, a spokesperson of Bank of America appeared on TV to apologize, I was glad. But, the TV apology is not enough! Bank of America should do something for that branch manager. Everyone makes mistakes but, people can be forgiving too. That branch manager should SAY SORRY and admit that she was wrong and confused of the banks policy!

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