After work, the road on the way home look like the pictures below. What time was these pictures taken? It's 7:35 in the morning in Biloxi and Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Yesterday, the rain was pouring hard with strong thunder. It was really scary when we were on the bridge because the lighting was bad. We can't see the Isle Casino or the Palace Casino from the foot of the bridge.

Nearby places had a flood warning but thankfully, everything was alright. Morning comes, heavy fogs. Oh by the way, how bad was it last night? Pretty bad! You can't see the road because the rain will really blinded you. So, my husband decided that we will drive slow but, there were few cars zooming passed us. As if no mishap could happen to them. Unluckily, 1 car turn right and dive into the canal, probably miscalculated the turn. The canal was probably 3ft. high and I saw a person inside still, can't get out. I dialed 911 and my husband reported the incident to the dispatcher. We had no time to stop really. The traffic is heavy, rain is pouring hard and all we could do was call. In less than 3 minutes, we saw an ambulance and police cars rushing towards the area. The person was alright, we guess. The rescue was fast and by the time my husband drove back, the car was pulled from the canal already. The incident happened across the street of Ocean Springs Hospital anyway.

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