Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgement Day

Six hours more and it will be May 22,2011! What does it mean? The judgement day prediction is a total bogus! Look at the man holding the sign, I wonder how he feels by now that the rapture day didn't come today.No one knows when the world will end! NO ONE! The world will definityely come to an end but, let us not worry that at this moment! As long as we breathe LIFE, we should live according to what's RIGHT! Let us Respect each other and let us love one another. We should follow the norms of our society so we can live our world peacefully! Whew! I know I am dreaming! If we all do this, our world is too perfect! Our world needs balance that is why, there is good and evil, there is joy and sadness, there is rich and poor, there is chaos and calmness, there is love and hate! It is up to YOU, what role you have to play in this lifetime. Who you gonna be? And who knows what tomorrow brings? Only GOD knows!

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