Do you use your iPAD2 so much? I used it to listen to music and view some videos. I love to listen to Pandora but, I am only using the FREE account which is limited in a month. But usually, I can't use the monthly allotted hour of listening so; I am good with my free account of Pandora. I added my favorite artist and it's easy to find because it is in alphabetical order. This time I am listening to Barry Manilow but, among my favorites are the music of Enya, Enrique Iglesias, James Taylor and Josh Groban.
I can play piano with my 3 simple songs that I learn but, I need more practice hahaha. This is fun really! I turn my iPad to this!
Now this guitar tuner helps me a lot to tune my guitar. It is really easy since I only have to listen to the tune and can follow the tuning right on.
These are just few of the features that I frequently used. Oh, I used the Skype too! I love my Apple iPad. Thanks again to Bumble Bee promo for Tags for Cancer and Sponsoredtweets of IZEA for this iPAD2 , such an awesome winning prize!

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