My husband is retired and I have no work. You may think that since we live in the US, we are better than you are which is not the case. We still have to pay the bills and we have monthly expenses to tackle too. My work online is not that much but, it sure can provide food on the table for my mom back home and pay her monthly bills also. Life is just a cycle! We have to work hard to spend according to our means. We have to look after our family so that we will be happy. Well, that's how I see life. It makes me happy when I can pay my bills back home, when I can buy medicines for my mom, when I can give her the little things that makes her happy. When I can send balikbayan box for my family, extended family and friends, such an awesome feeling.
My loving mama, my kind nephews and the sweetest niece at Jollibee, such a precious sight.

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