Wednesday, September 28, 2011

NFL Helmet Mail Box

The mailbox of our friend is a huge helmet of their favorite NFL team. It is actually their second mail box because; the teenagers on their neighborhood blow up the first one. The teenagers hated the team so; they put something inside as a prank. Our friend called the police but, when he later found out that the teenagers were behind it, he did not press any charges. He bought a new NFL Helmet mailbox once again and luckily, the mail box stood there up to this day. They bought it online when they were looking for an address plaque for their rest house along the beach. There are so many unique address signs of the houses on their area. In fact, it looks like the sign above showing who once lived in the house. It embraces the history of the previous owners as far as the 1920's. Their property is in a historic town and it is really a charming place to have a vacation. You will be amazed to see and read the house address plaques in the area. The town is really beautiful and since the beach is just nearby, it attracts visitors from all over the country.

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