Beauty and Lifestyle, Business and Real Estate, Travel, Product Reviews, Fashion, Shopping, Home and Family Matters in Between
Monday, April 30, 2012
Swimming on the Beach
Stewart Esten law Firm
If you are in need of a lawyer who has full knowledge about employment law issues, you should check out the law firm. This company has been serving clients for years and their lawyers are knowledgeable in Litigation Law, Criminal law, Business and Employment Law, Real Estate and family Law and more.
Stewart Esten law firm served clients in Toronto areas since 1871. They provide legal services in high-quality and will guide you through every step of the process. Visit the Website and check out their Free Consultation on your case today.
Stop worrying about your case. Let the law expert handle your worries. Just think that you can fight your oppressors in legal way. Hire a lawyer who has good reputation and with good track record in his legal career. For more information, check out the Website today.
Visiting the Ship Island
Ship Island is located in the North Central Gulf of Mexico. It is about 11 miles off the Mississippi Coast. This place is one of the last undeveloped barrier islands in America and it is part of Gulf Islands National Seashore and protected by the U.S. Park Service. This exquisite sand island offer visitors the first high quality beaches for swimming and shelling east of New Orleans.
This place has an outstanding beaches, beautiful water and clean gulf air. Locals and visitors consistently rate the 22-mile round trip to Ship Island as the coast’s premier waterborne experience. Awesome right? I know one day, I can visit Ship Island.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Discount Medical and Dental Plan thru Ameriplan
One aspect that was greatly affected was his health insurance. He has the best health insurance benefits when he was working but when he was laid off, he can't afford to pay that insurance. He is just hoping that he will not get sick. Then, he heard about Ameriplan which is a discount medical and dental plan and an alternative to insurance.
He wanted to meet both ends and wanted to survive in this unfortunate recession. He plans to not only use Ameriplan as a discount for medical and dental plan but as a work from home business as well. He told me that he is in good shape health wise so; Ameriplan is the answer at present. Every time he needs a doctor, as a member of Ameriplan, he will enjoy discounts from his medical and dental bills. That is a big help in his pocket. He is trying to survive in thank goodness for the brilliant idea of Ameriplan.
Interesting Parades

Friday, April 27, 2012
Bridal Shower Invitations
This year, two close members of the family will walk down the aisle sometime in September and one will be on October. One wedding will be in Spain and the other in Missouri which is close by. Both brides are all set informing us by phone and soon, invitations will be sent thru the mail.
I guess we will pass for the bridal shower invitations and we will just attend on the wedding dates. Besides, they will understand because it is more fun to have the party with close friends. I remember those bridal shower parties I attended that friends and family members were present. It was fun, full of crazy moments, clean jokes as well as a naughty experience for us especially for the bride of course.
Bridal showers are traditionally a gift-giving party for the brides-to be which should be initiated by close friends. To ensure that weddings may take place, family and friends provide goods and financial assistance to the bride. The guests are usually chosen from among the bride's personal friends, family and other well-wishers. Most bridal showers vary widely and usually, no men are invited. But then again, the number of guests and their relationship to the bride varies accordingly.
Anyway, if you have a bridal shower invitation, do not forget to bring gifts that could brighten the day of the bride to be. Make it memorable! My husband and I are excited for these two weddings. In fact, we are now window shopping for wedding gifts. Have you got any wedding gift ideas to share? I would love to read them.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Road Trips and Travels

Flower and Vegetable Garden
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Whitney Farms. All opinions are 100% mine.
Having a home to take care of is very much exciting. We bought a new house this month and we will be living here for good. We live in a condo for years and we love gardening but due to limited space, we can only have plants planted in pots. My husband loves to plant vegetables especially tomatoes and here's some of his tomato plants:
Buying a home with a good size back yard as well as front yard truly delighted us both. In our minds we have things to do such as landscaping and make a curb appeal.
Anyway, the soil here in Florida needs something to make the plants thrive beautifully. That is why we need garden products such as Whitney Farms® which helps the soil becomes richer. This product is low dust so; it's really an organic soil. We are excited to start our vegetable garden soon and transfer the tomato plants that we have directly to the soil. Whitney Farms will be part of our daily garden activity and I am sure of that.
This product is easy to use, has no manure odor which is really good and it is an organic plant food. Visit the links provided above and I hope you will try Whitney Farms in your vegetable and flower garden. Do not forget to use the $3 coupon when you purchase Whitney Farms. You can check it out in the garden section of your local store today.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Coach Shoes On Sale

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Carhartt Jeans
If you are exposed in rugged type of work, you need work jeans designed for the kind of job that you have. A carpenter needs jeans that have pockets for multiple tool, hammer loop and utility pockets. Working is so much easy when your tool come in handy as you needed them. You can work faster if you are wearing the right work jeans with pockets that you can use for your tools. Bending, squatting and reaching hard areas are part of your routine so; you need to wear comfortable jeans in your workplace. The main seams of your jeans should have a triple stitch; fabric should be durable and comfortable to wear. Check out Carhartt Jeans at Dave's New York now.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Victoria's Secret Free Tote
Dog Medicine
Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes:
I just saw a commercial for Pet Armor on my Dish Network, and I’m so glad I did because I had totally forgotten to give my dog his flea and tick medicine! I know the ticks are insane right now because I keep finding them on me when I come in from working in the garden, so I’ve got to keep him protected from them. He’s got such a thick, black coat of fur that it is really hard to find them on him and remove them, so the best defense is to just make sure he doesn’t get them to begin with. I usually do get him shaved in the summer, though, so that helps to see them and remove them a little easier. He is an outside dog primarily, and really only comes in when it is too cold or storming outside. He’s terrified of thunder and will run away if he hears it so I have to make sure to bring him inside. With him being primarily outside, I need to remember his medicine!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Bamboo Floors Preference
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Unlimited Access to Sales Leads at Infofree
If you just started a business, today is your lucky day! Finding customers and clients are a lot easier when you are directed to the right information. You should check out infofree, a company which has sales leads that help you find new clients and thereby improved your sales. You will have a 1 day free trial if you sign up today. I took advantage of the free trial and here's what I got:

As you can see, my free trial gave me a wide selection of leads in different categories and you will have the same opportunity. Every time I browse on a specific lead, it provides a good result which I really wanted. It has the name of the company, contact name, and the address. There's a lot that you can do when you sign up at infofree for $49.95 a month. You can cancel your account any time if it will not work for you. If it does, share your experience in the comment section below. I would love to read your comments and I hope it works great for your business.
Having the availability of these sales leads makes a business owner happy., The only thing you would add is your perseverance and hardwork to maintain the sales growth of your business. As a member, you have the access to look up a business name or a person then, you may contact them. Work your way up to achieve that business goal you have in line. Sign up now and enjoy the access to over 50 databases with unlimited search, select, view and download of sales leads. You can even look up your prospects on the map. Check it out now and try it! For more information, visit the Website today.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Nine West 5" High Heeled Shoes
Miracle Gro Expand 'n Gro the Concentrated Planting Mix
This post brought to you by Scotts®. All opinions are 100% mine.
Spring time is fun especially when you have the time to explore some activities with your family. You can go out and enjoy the beauty of your neighborhood when the trees started to bloom with flowers. If you have a garden, you may start to check out if there are flowering plants thriving from winter.
I love spring time because it is a good time for gardening. How about you? Do you have a green thumb? If not, just use the Expand ‘n Gro™ concentrated planting mix because it sure works like a miracle when you are ready for planting. I received a sample of Miracle Gro Expand and Gro few days ago and I used it in my tomato garden. I am so excited because I can now harvest my ripe tomatoes in two days.
It works like a miracle because the soil never runs dry when I forgot to water my tomatoes. Using the Expand and Gro has up to 3X the flowers and vegetables. It also feeds the plants for up to 6 months and it improves the texture of the soil and expands up to 3X when water is added. If you love gardening, you should get the Expand and Gro and use it in your garden. Do you want a sample of Miracle Gro? Leave your comment below and you might be lucky to get a free sample.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Lego Creation at Downtown Disney
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Good Looking Smart Car

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Sunrise Finance : Loan Calculator
You need to budget and use only the amount that you can afford to pay to avoid the hassle in the future. Also, you need to consider if a long term loan makes sense. You should protect yourself from being tied down to big loans and it is necessary to use a loan calculator at to help you see how much your monthly payment is.
Usually, your monthly payment will drop but, your total cost will rise. Your monthly payment will be determined according to the interest rate given and the term that you want. Therefore, the shorter the term you selected, the higher your monthly payment will be. If you plan to apply for loans, make sure you need it at this time. Use your loaned money wisely and make sure you can afford to pay if worse comes unexpectedly.
Using the loan calculator, you will have the option to adjust the rates and you can also compare how much payment you will have in 3 year or 5 years fixed rates. It really depends upon your capacity to pay. When you loan money, you should be responsible to pay or else, it will boomerang to your credit history. You don’t want to ruin your credit history right? Therefore, make a plan and use the right tool to compute. Be responsible!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Home: Renting or Buying
Currently, the real state property prices dived rock bottom. You can buy your dream home at reasonable price. If you need a bigger space? Buy a home and do not rent! There are a lot of great reasons to buy a home. When you are a homeowner, you can decorate and renovate your house any way you like.
So, find a good realtor who are expert in this field. Make sure he knows the area so well. He will be your eyes and ears into your local real estate market. Besides, he can provide valuable insights into local market trends to aid you in your decision. Buy a house! That is my sound advice to you.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Non-Tangible Mother's Day Gifts That Your Mom Can Enjoy
There are gifts that your mother will surely appreciate other than material gifts. Yes, you can give something to your mom that she can't touch, but she can enjoy. These gifts are called experience gifts. You can give something to your mom that she can enjoy or experience. The experiences will give your mom lasting memories that are worth more than any material gift.
If your mom has not had a vacation for a long time, then a good out of the country vacation package for her will make her truly happy. You can arrange a tour package for her to a country which she has not been in the past, or to her favorite country. Also, you can give her extra money that she can use for shopping. This gift will surely make her truly happy and remember your gift forever. If you want her to get some visible remembrance of her trip, then a nice camera for her trip can do the trick.
You can still give her a good trip even if you are low on budget. A nice family outing to the beach is a good alternative too. When was the last time that the family went out to the beach? Having the entire family together for one day for your mom will make her feel happy and complete. There is no better happiness for a mother than seeing her entire family happy and enjoying.
Moreover, you can also give your mom something that she always wants to learn. You can enroll her in a ballroom dancing class. It is a good way to meet new people at the same time to exercise. Most moms love to learn new things, but they don't have time to do it when their children are small. When all your siblings are grown up, it is the best time for mom to make time to improve herself.
These are just some of the best Mother's Day Gifts that you can give to your loving mother. Some gifts cannot be seen. There are some that can give experience that can last a lifetime.
Happy Easter Everyone

Sharing you the Easter Bunny cake and look how many eggs that I got!
These pictures were taken in Mississippi three years ago. It is nice to be surrounded with family and friends because activity like this is more fun to celebrate especially when you have nieces and nephews coming over, it surely is fun!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Home Buying Experience
Though you have a realtor to help you, try expanding your search. Do not forget to take the MLS number so that, you can give it to your realtor for some more information. Look for vacant real estate because in my experience, I do not like to see houses with some personal things in the house. Unless if the property was sold as new with new bonus appliances.
You should consider buying a cosmetic fixer property. If you are handy with a paintbrush (like me), with a toolset and gardening equipment, prepare yourself for a job in cosmetic fixing. Property that lacks curb appeal needs minor handiwork. Little touches on the yard could end up being the home of your dreams for a price you can afford. Just need to look beyond the ugly to see the potential of a cosmetic fixer property. Make sure that the property is not a money pit, or else your savings in Paypal 1099-K will be gone.
If you want to live a nice house by the lake, consider buying a dilapidated cottage on a fabulous lot with western exposure. If you do some significant home improvements, your newly bought property will value so high. And if your carpentry and other construction skills are well-developed, you can save so much money.
Sony VAIO at Walmart
It also features video stabilization and red-eye removal. This gadget also comes with a Genuine Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium. Using the Media Gallery software, you can create movies and enjoy photos in a whole new way. The Web button provides one touch access to the web. Has a QWERTY keyboard which is very comfortable to use. One more thing, I love this unit because it leaves no fingerprint. The design is awesome with a textured, geometric patterned lid and palm rest. It is artfully crafted which makes it pleasing to the eyes and to the touch. Lastly, it is an Energy Star qualified model which simply means, it provides energy efficiency.
Flower Delivery on Easter
I also remember that my father-in-law loves to receive Flowers on Easter which were given by his daughters and friends. He loves tulips and roses. All his gifts arrived on time. Maybe they ordered their Easter gifts form an online flower delivery store. Speaking of flowers, my husband sent me flowers thru the mail today. I was so happy for hubby's thoughtfulness. If you are confused what to give to your dear wife for Easter, give her a basket chocolate, fruit bearing plants or flowers. Those gift ideas can surely melt a woman's heart. As for me, I will definitely give my husband a fruit bearing plant. He has a garden and plants are one of his weaknesses.
Victoria's Secret Free Tote

Durable and Reliable Footwear
I buy footwear according to the quality, design and comfort. When I am at home or go to the grocery, I wear flip flops or sneakers. I also wear Jeans and sleeveless shirts paired with sneakers which are my favorite daily wear. I am not really picky with brands but, as long as they are made in good quality, I buy them. What about you? Well, just last week, my brother who is working in another country asked me to buy him shoes.
My brother prefers clarks shoes for heavy duty footwear especially when he is working on the field. He and his helpers deliver chicken products to a wet market so; the area is always slippery when wet. A work boot is advisable to wear especially when the sole parts of the shoes are made with a safety material. He is always looking for a durable and reliable work wear that works as hard as he is.