Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bridge in Modern Architectural Design

When we went to Saint Petersburg Florida, we passed by a very beautiful bridge and anyone can tell that the design and structures are really great. As we drove on the bridge, the Anchor Bolts and wire are huge, strong and can truly lift a heavy load. It has more than 4 miles in length and constructed of steel and concrete. The steel cables clad in 229 mm steel tubes along the center line of the bridge supports the main span.

The design and most of its construction was inspired a similar cable-stayed bridge in France. The bridge was featured in the Travel Channel and was rated as 3rd in the "Top 10 Bridges" in the World. The bridge is considered as the "flag bridge" of Florida. I have been travelling from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana but, this particular bridge is one of my most favorite bridges.

It has the look of a modern architectural design and I heard that it is a popular location for filming automobile commercials. On our next visit, we will stop on a small fishing pier nearby and we will go fishing enjoying the view of the Gulf waters and the bridge. I would definitely take more pictures of the bridge on that day.

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