Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Friend on the Poker Table

Time flies so fast and it just dawned on me that for the past two years, I am working online at my home. Pretty soon, I will be out looking for a new job away from the virtual world. I have no complain whatsoever but, my online activities are my sideline and I do not intend to quit because I enjoyed it. Yet, it is important for me to work outside the comfort of my home, have a regular schedule to manage, do the workload systematically and work in harmony with my boss and office mates.

Prior to my stay at home wife role, my husband and I lived in Mississippi. I was working in one of the 9 casinos in the area. At first, I was excited and happy but, later on, the thrill and excitement vanished into thin air. The smoke inside my workplace bothered me. I got sick so; I quit after a year. I can still remember the sound of the slot machines that echoes in my ears when I think about my workplace. Though I work at a graveyard shift, everyone inside the casino is wide awake and always crowded. Most of the guests were big spender and all night long, they were playing the slot machines and the poker tables.

Some of my co-workers handles table games and they polish their skills when they play with the leader on online poker. On their day off, they compete and play online. I have a Vietnamese friend whom I called "poker girl" because she kept on winning. The poker game is her forte plus, she got the good luck every time she plays. There were bad days of course but, with all the tips she got from the guests on her shift, a quarter of it she spends online. I don't hear from her for months now. She used to call me. I might give her a ring anytime this week.

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