Saturday, September 22, 2012

Unlucky Day for my Food Delights and Etcetera Blog

I have been waiting whole day for GOOGLE's "REQUEST TO REVIEW" button to show up in my Webmaster Tools but, it is just so elusive as ever.  One of my blogs got infected with a malware. The lists below are sample URL's with malware. The malicious software was being installed without my permission.,
At 3 AM ( 9-21-2012), I was still awake when the Malware Warning popped up in the browser of my readers. My blog, FOOD DELIGHTS AND ETCETERA hosted by blogger is listed as suspicious and Google promps everyone that my site may harm their computer.

I spent every waking moment tracking what have I done wrong for the last few hours. According to the diagnostic page on my site, the malicious software is on 1 domain, including admaxstat dot com.

Where did I get that? I don't know the answer until, IZEA released an information that an "ad served through IZEA Media" has been reported as an attack site.

Me, being a publisher and has worked with IZEA for years, is just one of the 1,000's unlucky bloggers/publishers got infected by this malware.

I just need to send a Request Review to Google so; FOODDELIGHTSANDETCETERA will be up and running. I hope it will show up soon.