Sunday, May 12, 2013

Beauty in Spring: Blooms in my Garden

You really don't need to look too far to see the signs of spring. Go to your yard, look around your neighborhood or explore the nearest park in your area and for sure, you will see a budding tree, feel the warm weather and appreciate the flowers in bloom.
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Today, I checked my garden and I couldn't help but, admire the pretty flowers in bloom.
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Few of these plants are wild and they hibernate from the winter. Springtime is their moment for regrowth and my eyes are feasting in admiration of their radiance in my garden.
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I love Spring months which are March, April and May but, this fact may differ from different countries. In my country, we have no spring season. We are so lucky that flowers bloom all year round.
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The start of spring is not always determined by a fixed date. Accordingly, spring has biological indicators such as the blossoming of plant and the activities of animals.  Even the special smell of soil is also an indicator.
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Spring vary according to the climate as well as the specific weather of a particular year.
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I just learned this term ---> ecological reckoning which identify pre-spring season that is between the hibernal which is winter and vernal  which is spring seasons. 
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This season supposedly the only time that the hardiest flowers are in bloom sometimes, while there is still some snow cover on the ground. Well, here in Florida, I doubt that we have this type of flower. We have no snow here that's why.
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Anyway, winter in Florida is my favorite time of the year. This is the last month for spring which means, summer is fast approaching and I am not too thrilled about it. How about you? What time of the year is your favorite?

1 comment:

  1. na-attrack ko sa sping blooms mao ni-check ko dayun. hehe beautiful flowers! nahan ko anang orchid pud pero dili sya mabuhi sa katudnaw amoa dri.


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