Stay at home moms and dads hurdle laundry every day especially when they have children. It is part of the daily chores that most parents tackle whether they like it or not. If you hate doing the laundry, what would be a nice solution that would make you appreciate it say, a notch higher? I have an idea while I Google laundry rooms.
Splurge a Laundry Room

We often times splurge the kitchen and bedroom so this time; why not splurge a laundry room? You spend time doing laundry anyway right? You wash the clothes, iron the dress shirt, fold some clothes and spending time in a laundry room can be stressful especially when it is not a pleasant space. A good size space is all you need.

Storage Space
How would you like to own this type of laundry room? What I love about this room is the storage area and there's tons of it. How would you like to store your curtains and draperies in here? If you use your bedroom closet for all of those then, this is a great idea that you should consider. Your clothes and shoes will be happy to get rid of the competition for sure (^-^)

Oh well, why do you need this space at all for a laundry room? Let's say, you have a toddler and you want to do the laundry. Isn't this a great space for both of you? You can watch your child wanders the whole space and you can freely do your ironing or folding the clothes.

Spick and Span
It is always great to work in a space when it is spotless. It keeps your mind free from the negative thoughts. If your laundry room is clean, organize and tidy, doing laundry will never become a hateful chore anyway. This room somehow attracts good vibes because it is squeaky clean.

Add Some Earth Colors
If you like the shade of white, great! When you add an earth tone combination to it, depth and elegance will likely define your space such as the laundry room above.

Lighting Fixtures
Each room in the house will shine when you add the right light fixtures. The shape, the textures, and the wall paint colors will glimmer depending how you choose to add the light fixtures. It will guide your eyes on which one is the focal point of the room and the laundry room is no exception. Besides, well lighted space is nice to hang out with so; add an appealing light fixture in your laundry room.

Have a Work Space to Unwind
Doing the laundry takes time so; instead of going in and out of the laundry room, why not have a space so you can work on your computer while waiting for your laundry? You can also use this space when you want to read a book while waiting for the dryer. When your child arrives home, they love to talk and show you their artwork, this is a great space to do just that too while you are doing the laundry.

Add Accessories
Last but not the least is adding accessories to make your laundry room attractive and functional. A laundry basket, glass jars where you can put some pins, loose buttons and coins. Photo frame of your family is a wonderful thing to add too.

I hope you will be inspired to splurge your space by these 9 great laundry rooms. Be inspired and have fun doing the laundry.
1 comment:
Man I couldn't even begin to imagine a laundry room that looked like any of those! Not for us anyways lol They are Beautiful!
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