For me, guitar is the easiest musical instrument to play with. As soon as you master 3 chords, the combination can make music. You can find many songs that have 3, 4, and 5 chords combination. For a start, you need to learn few chords and master how to strum. The more you practice, strumming guitar will soon become your favorite past-time. Eventually, you will challenge yourself to learn the tricky chords and how to do plucking.
Later on, you will find yourself visiting to a music store and look for musical gadget such as cheap slides from guitar center. That is likely to happen because you want to have vibrato and sustain that sound as you strum. Not only that, you will also maintain short nails so that you will not scratch and ruin the fret of your guitar. Tell me, are you doing that now?
My husband plays the guitar and he's going to teach our boys when they get a little older. I'm trying to teach myself to play the cello! Short nails are necessary for that, too.