Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Economic Warfare : Instrument of Transnational Organized Crime

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Deep Capture Blog. All opinions are 100% mine.

The truth is shocking! Most of us sway away from knowing what's behind in every real issues around us... it could be about Religion, Politics or Economic situations. Without knowing the truth and not getting involved ... we say maybe, life is esier to bear. It is like "I mind my own business" kind of attitude. We have this ideal reaction that when it doesn't concern us directly, we just ignore the problem. But sometimes, there are issues that we ought to get involved with epecially when we knew seriously that something is not right.

I applaud Patrick Byrne, the Chairman and CEO of overstock.com for exposing the truth so others may know that serious criminal actvity exists in the stock market world. As I listen to his discussion, it became so clear that economic warfare is an easy instrument of Transnational Organized Crimes.

Here is the compelling video that I watched and I am inviting you all to please take the time to watch it. I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts about this delicate issue.

The Economic Warfare

I watch the news all the time and you know, I am sick of people taking advantage of the weakness of others. I can only imagine that the word “red pill’ was in the scenario of the movie Matrix but, surprisingly this word is also applicable in the stock market world. Well, CEO Patrick Byrne mentioned this word in connection with Milberg Weiss Bershad Schulman case which was so disturbing because as what he emphasized, how they know? The truth is, criminal activity is lurking everywhere that even the stock market world has no exemption. We are actually living in the truth of reality, the red pill scenario that as long as the criminals will find a loophole to run their fraud schemes and if the government will not do something about it, there will always be victims.

In every rules made, flaws exist especially when hastily written therefore; these instances have become the magnet for criminals who have found the loopholes. Criminal activities are mammoth as what Byrne says and investors were caught off-guard. They found out the hard way literally when their bank account were drained. My heart aches every time I remember how thousands of investors were victimized by Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme. His case became the largest financial fraud in US history, that is sickening! He and his cohorts have no soul at all. In 1960 Madoff founded the Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC and it was alarming that he defrauded thousands of investors whom some of them are close family members and close friends. How devastating right?

Another topic that Patrick Byrne mentioned in the video is Settlement which is about the process by which money and stock exchanges in hand meaning; the Investor transfers cash to the Hedge Fund and the latter transfer stock ownership to the investor. This has to be done in 3 days after the trade was being made. Here is the loophole: instead of doing the settlement in T+3 system, it became T+3+13 which according to Byrne, this is a slop in the settlement system. I agree. That's a long wait. If I am the investor, I want to see a positive yield to my investment in short period of time. I am sure, ordinary investors are not aware of DTCC which are like the mediator between Investor and Hedge Fund. With them being involved in the settlement, I think it is not a good thing because it will only delay the process of yielding big on the investment.

Here comes the Fault Tolerance in the system which is alarming and believe me, instances like this exists without the investors knowledge. A good example Byrne mentioned was when an investors buy stocks from the Hedge Fund so; they send the money. The Hedge Fund sends the stocks but, sometimes they run out of shares to send to the investor. It is business so; the flow must go on. What they did was create an FTB and send an artificial shares to the investor. This is a stock market manipulation already. There is loophole here and when this happens, criminals are magnetized to start unlawful activities. In this type of system, organized crime will emerge abruptly, don't you think? Investor trusted them that their money will yield interest and what they did was send a fake shares. Unbelievable!

The Bust-Out in Low Finance is another organized crime that is unbelievable. These criminals have no fears at all! They are driven to do this crime because they want easy big time money. They know that their time is ticking to jail time but, they are still doing it and they have no remorse whatsoever. The bust-out scheme still exists at present time for sure because time and time again, we heard people filing for bankruptcy.

Not all cases but, the truth is … people finds this an easy way out.

Economic Warfare is alarming and this is the painful truth of reality.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Protection Gear You Need On Site

Whether you are working professionally or simply taking up welding as a hobby, protecting yourself and those around you should always be your number one priority before starting work. In order to do so it is always imperative to ensure that you have the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Often safety is perceived as a lesser priority and without the appropriate due care and diligence you could be putting yourself and others around you at risk. The number of hazards presented by welding are large and varied, including sparks, spatter, radiation, slag, heat, fumes & gases and even electric shock, protecting all parts of your body is vitally important. So where should you start?

Remember that all safety equipment must pass different compliance standards, it’s important to find reliable brands that you can trust. Welding supplies specialize in industry trusted tools and equipment but also sell a line of safety helmets, respiratory equipment and safety gloves. Finding a one stop shop for all your equipment and safety needs can save you time and money.
Eye and Face Protection
It is important that your helmet contains a filter lens and cover plates, this is to ensure there is adequate protection from flying sparks, radiant energy and spatter. These helmets are designed to protect not only your face but also your neck, ears and forehead from these possible dangers when working. Underneath your helmet you should wear appropriate safety glasses or goggles that incorporate side shields, for added protection from any flying metal, slag chips or fragments.

Head and Ear Protection
The top of your head and also very importantly, you ears, should never be forgotten. In order to ensure that your hair is protected from catching on to any wayward sparks ensure you have a fire resistant welders cap or other appropriate headwear. It’s easy to over look the necessity of protecting your ears, however suitable earmuffs can protect from other unwanted injuries. If you’re working area is particularly loud, a simple set of earplugs will help reduce the risk of any damage inflicted from the noise.

Foot Protection
Protecting your feet does not just involve wearing the correct footwear, but also wearing the correct pants, in a manner that will ensure your are adequately protected at all times. Your boots should be leather, steel-toed, high-topped and in good condition, this will protect your feet and ankles from immediate danger in the workspace. Workpants should not have cuffs, as this provides a place for falling sparks and flying metal to land and potentially catch fire. Your pants should always sit over the top of your boots, allowing any sparks to continue to fall to the ground without the risk of catching and falling inside your boot. Never tuck your pants inside your boots or socks

Hand Protection
Your hands are closest to the action when welding and at the highest risk from heat and associated burns and shocks. Always ensure your gloves are dry, hole-free, appropriately insulated welding gloves. Leather gloves ensure the provision of heat resistance as well as general hand protection to maximize your safety whilst on the job.

Where appropriate, ensure you are working under a properly functioning exhaust hood. This will assist in pulling dangerous fumes away from your work and reduce your risk of inhalation. Respiratory equipment can sometimes, but not always be required, ensure you are aware of the associated risks for each job and prepare accordingly.

Remember, by reducing the risk to your personal safety you are not only protecting yourself, but also those around you. Never compromise your safety and if you are ever in doubt of the correct PPE to use, ask a friend, colleague or supervisor.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Five Simple Ways to Improve Productivity in Your Workplace

When you’re running or managing a business, success and failure often depends on the productivity of the people working for you. Unfortunately, our staff aren’t always as motivated or dedicated as we are to getting things done properly and efficiently at the same time… but there are a number of ways to boost the productivity in your workplace. Below are just five of them – there are plenty more.

1. Invest in Your Employees
Up-skilling your staff members could be the smartest move you’ve ever made. Not only will some extra training help them get work done quickly and correctly, it will also give them an all-important confidence boost, which will make them more inspired to perform well while also improving the general morale of the entire workplace. Several employers worry that investing in their staff will backfire – that they will then leave for a new job and their time and money will have been for nothing. But the truth is, showing that you are committed to their growth will often encourage an employee to remain loyal to you. Plus, with so many great educational institutes, such as HBA Learning Centres Australia, up-skilling your team has never been as easy and affordable as it is today.
2. Provide Facilities
We don’t all enjoy the luxury of a budget that stretches to things like a free-for-staff gym and pool on the top floor of the office building… but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the work life of your employees a little bit nicer. Simple things like coffee machines, water coolers, and comfortable couches for lunch breaks might only seem small, but they can make a big difference to the day-to-day routine of your staff. That difference will leave them happier, which ultimately leads to better productivity.
3. Be Personal and Approachable
There’s nothing less inspiring than working for a faceless corporation or a manager who exists only in an office with a closed door. Invest some time into getting to know your subordinates and make yourself available to them whenever they have issues or questions. You’ll find that this friendly approach – as long as you’re not too casual around them – will leave them more motivated to help your business succeed.
4. Make Time for Play
The days of all work and no play are over. Leading companies like Google have shown the effectiveness of allocating certain times for relaxing and taking a break, in order to make sure their employees aren’t overworked and have a positive state of mind while they are on the job. The theory basically goes that a happy worker will get more stuff done in four hours than an unhappy one would get done in six.
5. Keep the Flowers, Pick out the Weeds
The truth is, there will always be those people that are unproductive, unreliable employees; no matter how hard you try to make your workers comfortable and happy with their jobs, you’ll occasionally meet the odd person who will always view work as something to avoid and won’t improve with your efforts. The trick here is to identify these weeds early on and remove them before they start influencing the positive employees you do have.
For a business to thrive, it needs quality, productive employees. Use these five tips to start improving the productivity of your workplace today. See what other strategies and ideas you can come up with yourself as well!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Benefits of Investing in a Water Tank

These days, more and more people are opting to invest in their own water tanks in and around their homes. Why? Because water is a basic necessity for life and business, but its supply cannot always be guaranteed; at least in the quantity and during the times you need it. Here are some of the top benefits of investing in a water tank.

Water always on hand
In a drought prone country like Australia, you can never truly trust in there always being a plentiful supply of water on hand. Especially in rural areas and in outback country, water is scarce, and the more of it you can secure for yourself the better off you’ll be in the long run. Investing in a water tank ensures that you’ll always have a ready supply of water at all times – even during the toughest of droughts. Never be caught dry. It even allows you to circumvent occasional water restrictions that only apply to off the grid water use. By having your own access to water, you can continue watering your crops, your garden or washing your car without penalty or stern looks from the neighbors.

Transportable water supply
Not all water tanks are permanent in nature. There are just as many portable and transportable designs that are absolutely vital in a wide range of applications: from an upcoming camping and road trip through dry central plains, through to supplying your work crew with water on site. Investing in a portable tank, such as the water bladder range of tanks supplied by Fabric Solutions gives you a temporary water tank solution that can be taken almost anywhere. They come in many shapes and sizes, and so can suit a wide range of applications and needs.

Doing your part for the environment
In case you’ve been living under a rock these past 10 years or so, there’s been a consistent call on behalf of environmental campaigners for the government, and the public in general, to adopt more sustainable living practices. One of the recommendations put forward by these groups is to cut down on our water usage, and install rain water tanks in and around our homes. Water is a precious natural resource often in short supply around the world, and the more water we can source from the heavens, the less we’ll use from our limited dams and reservoirs. That’s a great step forward towards a more sustainable future.

Chemical free drinking water
Unfortunately, a lot of our drinking water contains harsh and toxic chemicals, such as mercury, lead and dioxin – just to name a few. Although they exist in only minute quantities, over time they can lead to a wide range of health conditions (including cancers and other skin, blood and urine conditions). By having your own water tank, and sourcing your own supply from rain water, you can ensure a healthier future for you and your family.
So there you have it. There are a number of benefits in investing in a water tank. Not only will you always have a ready supply of water on hand at home, or wherever you need it, but you can also do your part for the environment, as well as treat your body to chemical-free drinking water and ensure a healthier future.
What other benefits are there to investing in a water tank? Please leave your comments below and contribute to the discussion today.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Five Tips to Help Control Erosion

Erosion is caused by the elements, like wind and rain, blowing and washing away valuable topsoil. Erosion is serious as it makes it difficult for trees, plants and crops to grow. Erosion can also lead to falling banks on streams and can clog vital waterways. Erosion can turn a healthy landscape into an arid one, so steps need to be taken to control erosion and also to restore eroded land.
Plant it
One of the best ways to prevent erosion is to plant it out so that the roots of plants can act to hold the soil together. If the soil is relatively flat and hasn’t been eroded into deep gullies and channels you can quickly and easily plant grasses and groundcover to stabilise the soil immediately. You can add trees later. If gullies exist you may need to level with earthmoving equipment, which you can hire at machinery hire companies like mabeyhire.com.au/. The most important thing is to act quickly. If you are unsure what to plant you should seek the advice of a nursery in your region that will have specialist knowledge to offer.
The next step is to add a layer of mulch. If seeds or small plants are in danger of being washed or blown away, a layer of mulch will help weigh them down and protect them from the elements. Mulch needs to be relatively light so it doesn’t suffocate seeds or seedlings, but heavy enough to stay in place in bad weather. Brush mats can also be used by laying out pieces of brush in a vertical pattern and then placing further brush over the top in a horizontal position. You can use wire to secure.
Plant Trees
The grass or groundcover is designed to provide initial protection to the soil but trees need to be planted to create a more long lasting and deeper root system to prevent erosion. Trees should be spaced out to cover the area that is threatened by erosion. Don’t choose trees that require you to dig a large hole as this will further compromise the soil. Choose fast growing trees that spread roots easily. It is a good idea to plant a row of trees around a farm or paddock to prevent the impact of the elements on soil.
Permanent Vegetation
Once the area has stabilised it is important to plant more permanent vegetation. Native species are the best as they will be the hardiest and are also fire resistant. Talk to your local nursery about what grows well in your area. Natives have the very best chance of surviving and remaining healthy to prevent further erosion. Native trees, shrubs, grasses and vines are all good.
Make a Barrier to Slow Down Runoff
You can create a physical barrier to help slow down and absorb some of the water or wind causing erosion. Barriers can be made using vegetation, rocks or a retaining wall. Sediment basins and silt fences can also be constructed to help control sediment.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

5 Eco Friendly Home Trends Everyone Must Try

Most of us want to be eco-friendly, but don’t quite know where to start. There is so much information out there, green advertisers competing for our attention, telling us to do what is right by buying their products. The truth is it doesn’t have to be complex. Here are five simple things you can do to make your home more environmentally friendly. Just make them a regular part of your routine and you will be making a difference. Of course, if you are building a new home and want to find out what eco-friendly home trends you can include in your design, talk to experts and/or do some research online at sites like http://www.coralhomes.com.au/ .

Let’s Look at Lights
LED lights use just a fraction of the electricity of other lights. While CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs use less electricity than regular light bulbs, LED lights are still a superior energy saving choice. LED lights provide excellent lighting without the electricity usage and are a really good green lighting option. And they make good financial sense. While they will cost a little more, around $20 to $50 each, they will last an average of six times longer than CFLs. As they do not contain mercury their disposal is also much safer and if they break there is no mercury hazard to deal with. Start small: next time you need a new light bulb choose an LED light; continue this practice until your whole house is lit with LED lighting.

Add a Water Filter to Your Kitchen Tap
This very simple addition will have a huge impact on the taste and quality of the water you drink from the tap. Instead of buying bottled water and creating more and more plastic waste, you can add a water filter to your tap and enjoy beautiful water without the expense and without the waste. Choose one that you can turn off so that you do not shorten the filter life by filtering water used for washing dishes.
Choose No VOC or Low VOC PaintVOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are actually solvents that are released into the atmosphere as paint , emitting toxic fumes. They can have serious effect on the body causing dizziness and headaches. Some VOC’s are even suspected of being carcinogenic. Traditional paints can carry these harmful chemicals, but innovations in the paint industry have seen manufacturers creating beautiful and durable paints without the VOCS. You don’t need to compromise on your safety or on quality.
Green Cleaners
Another simple way to make your home more eco-friendly is to switch to green cleaning products. Every time you run out of something choose its green counterpart when you go to the supermarket to replace it. This will help rid your home of chemicals that are harmful to you and also to the environment.
Use Organic Fertilisers in the Garden
Lastly, choose organic fertilisers for your garden. These will encourage your garden to grow without the negative impact on the environment. Organic fertilisers are readily available and easy to apply. Choose organic and make your garden safer and greener.
Do you have any eco-friendly trends that we haven’t mentioned? Leave your tips in the comments below.